Dean Terrell's Recipes

Cannabis recipes

My Cannabis Recipes 

Anyone can make this safely. I'm sure that you have heard of RSO and FECO. The way I make my things are different. I don't use Butane, C02, Hexane, Everclear or anything like those. I make fully infused cannabis oil. I have used the products I make since 2017 and they have worked for my Ehlers Danlos, POTS, Brain Tumor pain, Arthritis, Osteoporosis and several other things I have. I have also given it to people who have different cancers, Crohn's and many other medical problems and all of them got good results.

Here's the main recipe I use.

Each ounce of cannabis you use can make 5 ounces of infused oil and over 100 full plant capsules.

MCT Oil - Grapeseed, Hempseed, Sunflower, Walnut or any Natural oil can be used.
Mason Jar
Crock Pot
Sunflower Lecithin

First you put the cannabis into a jar. You can grind it up to get more in the jar. The more cannabis you use the stronger the oil will be.
You seal the jar and put it into a crock pot full of water. ( The water is to only evenly distribute the heat around the jar.)
Most crock pots cook around 210 on high. You want to cook cannabis below 240 degrees to keep from getting it too high and ruining the cannabiniods. 240 Degrees will decarb cannabis but we aren't exactly decarbing. We are converting the THC and other cannabinoids into CBN. CBN is much stronger than CBD. CBN can make you sleepy but doesn't always. 
You want to cook the cannabis about 12 hours.
Then remove the jar from the heat. You want it to be as cool as possible before you open the jar to preserve the Terpenes. Terpenes are the fragrance part you smell. Terpenes have been found to be good for pain.
After it cools... open the jar and add your oil but leave room to be able to shake it up.
Add about a tablespoon of lecithin for each ounce of cannabis. (Lecithin is needed to break the Blood and Brain barrier so it can do it's job in treating you.)
You then put it back in the crock pot for 12 more hours.

When its finished with the last 12 hours you remove the jar from the crock pot and strain it into another jar. 
After you strain off the oil you save the oily cannabis. 

You will be using the oily cannabis to make capsules or cook with. You need 00 capsules to put the cannabis in. You can get a capsule filler on Amazon for around $20. It's good to grind it up to fill the capsules better. When I fill the capsules I also add raw ground cannabis with it. I sometimes grind up raw herbs and put them into the mixture. 
(You can add herbs in with the cannabis when you add the oil but you need to keep the heat lower than the high setting on the crock pot. The low setting is good to use.

You can always use the dried cooked cannabis to make other things. I melt candies in a candy melting pot and add the dry cannabis to it to infuse the mixture. Then cool the mixture in molds. Chocolate is the easiest to infuse. I've added ground up nuts and a powdered muscle drink to the mix to make an energy candy. You can add anything that you want to. Just keep the mixture a little creamy so it will hold together as it cools. You could coat Fruit like strawberries with chocolate or other flavors.

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